Kaiser Permanente
HealthcareHealth Plans
About Us
We've been there for you in the past, providing health care for more than 60 years. We're here for you today and in days to come, with our ongoing commitment to quality. And we share this tradition and commitment by reaching out to your community, and promoting health and wellness for all.
Community involvement
We're dedicated to improving the health of our members and the communities we serve, by creating safe, healthy environments and providing care and coverage for all. Learn how our community involvement reaches far and wide.
History of Kaiser Permanente
For more than 60 years, Kaiser Permanente has provided quality health care. Learn about our history, how our approach to health care started, and how it continues to this day.
Quality center
You want the best care possible for yourself and your loved ones. It's our mission to provide this high-quality care. Learn how we do this, and about our ongoing commitment to quality.
Structure of Kaiser Permanente
Get the facts and figures about Kaiser Permanente, where you find us, the number of doctors and members, and more.

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